2nd February, 2016 – Saving Five Bucks

I mentioned a customer who is Dad’s good friend, that I call HN. Well, day before yesterday, he had argued that we had charged his Rs. 5 more for 90ml pet whiskey of McDowell’s than our neighboring  Bar. He challenged us by saying that we should come with him immediately there and see him purchase the same thing for Rs. 80.

We tried to tell him that the Pet bottle costs Rs.85 and we are charging him the same from very long time. But he would not believe us.

Today, he and his others friends were walking opposite our bar and he made sure that we were looking at him while he called his friends, ‘Let’s go there.’ I did not fail to greet him though, like I always do.

I was wondering what did he actually gain by saving five bucks. I am not even sure how much our neighbors charge. The Bar Association of my City has distributed the Minimum price chart for all brands and packaging to all retailers to ensure fair competition.

You can visit our bar and ask any of our regular customers and they will tell you that we have the cleanest premises around, our prices are fair and service the best. Even after all the best that we have given, one of our regular customers walk to our neighbor hoping that we would envy him and tomorrow give him that liquor for a cheaper price.

I respected that man a lot but somehow he did not find that ‘better’ comes at a bigger price; and five bucks is very small price for the amount of respect and service he was receiving from us.

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